Monday, September 30, 2019

Brahmachari Girish Ji honoured with “Nav Dunia Gyanodaya Award 2k19"

Nav Dunia News Paper, part of Dainik Jagran Group has organised “Jyotirmay Samman 2019” for accomplished educators at Bhopal on 28 September 2019.

Nav Dunia Gyanodaya Award 2019 - Brahmachari Girish Ji

Brahmachari Girish Ji was honoured with special samman “Nav Dunia Gyanodaya Award” by the group of editors and Honourable Shri Jitu Patwari, Higher Education, Sports and Youth Welfare Minister of Madhya Pradesh Government.

Smt. Nidhi Sinha, principal of Maharishi Vidya Mandir Trilanga

Smt. Nidhi Sinha, principal of Maharishi Vidya Mandir Trilanga branch and Smt. Manju Tiwari, senior teacher of Maharishi Vidya Mandir Ratanpur was honoured with “Jyotirmay Award”.

Smt. Manju Tiwari, senior teacher of Maharishi Vidya Mandir Ratanpur was honoured with “Jyotirmay Award” organised by Nav Duniya Newspaper

Smt. Manju Tiwari, senior teacher of Maharishi Vidya Mandir Ratanpur

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Thursday, September 5, 2019

Maharishi Vedic Science Introduction Programme

Maharishi Vedic Administrators Training Institute & Maharishi World Peace Movement jointly organize. n order to realise the 'Bliss' in the life and becoming an embodiment of peace in the society, a seven days Maharishi Vedic Science Introduction 7 Days Residential Programme is being organised from 10th to 16th October 2019 at lush green and built with 'State of the Art' facilities campus of Maharishi Centre for Education Excellence, Bhopal.

Maharishi Vedic Science Introduction Programme

 Students, parents, other members of civil society, members of corporate world and members of Maharishi Organisations are cordially invited to join seven days Maharishi Vedic Science Introduction Programme.

Maharishi Vedic Science Introduction Programme

 Course Highlights: Introduction to 40 aspects of Maharishi Vedic Science and descriptions of some of the life supporting subjects, Maharishi Ji’s video recorded discourses, addresses by scholars, Ved Path and Gandharva Ved (Indian Classical Music).

 Phone: 0755-4097203, 4097205

Mobile: 9893700746. 


 Last Date of Registration is 05th October 2019, by 5 pm.

Monday, September 2, 2019

A Blissful Meal is nourishment of the soul & body

A Blissful Meal is nourishment of the soul & body
Our wellness is associated with happiness. When we are happy, we feel good in our mind and body. Everyone wants a ‘Blissful’ life—a life that provides perfect happiness or great joy. Eating is one of the few activities we all do every day for our entire life. A good food is really and truly the most effective medicine. Same thing Ayurveda also says---when diet is wrong medicine of no use and when diet is correct medicine is of no need.

All in all, our happiness is many a time a matter of our digestion which depends on what we eat. Our food habits say a lot about us. Our emotional, spiritual and physical well-being depends on what we eat. Whatever the food we intake directly affects our body. We must remember, exercise doesn't make the body, food makes the body. Exercise only shapes the body.

As the Spanish proverb says, “The belly rules the mind”. Therefore, everyone should prefer ‘good’ and ‘Blissful meal”. And it is that much simple. You don’t need a silver spoon to eat a good. After all, it is matter of choice! A ‘blissful food’ is nourishment of the soul & body. It brings people together on many different levels.

There are many references on good food in Ayurveda and in our religious scriptures. According to Srimad Bhagwad Geeta, the food each person prefers is of three kinds; and they are-- Satvic, Rajasic and Tamasic. All about our food habit and its impact on our body and mind have been described in the Verses 8, 9 and 10 of Chapter 17 of Srimad Bhagwat Geeta.

Satvic food promotes longevity, virtue, strength, health, happiness, and joy are juicy, smooth, substantial, and nutritious. Persons in the mode of goodness like such foods. Rajasic foods are those that are very bitter, sour, salty, hot, pungent, dry, and burning; and cause pain, grief, and disease; are liked by persons in the mode of passion.

Scientific research supports the Ayurvedic understanding of the belly-brain emotional connection. Scientists in the field of the food-mood connection have carried out studies supporting the connection between physiology and emotions, such as anxiety and depression. Research show that inflammation—a typical immune response to obesity, high-sugar diets, high quantities of trans fats, and unhealthy diets—may be the pre-cursor to mood disorders such as depression.

When people clean up their diet, inflammation is reduced, and mood states improve. Feed your soul good and pure food: We all are living in modern and technological age which has made our daily life more stressful. Many of us are living in a constant state of stimulation. For many of us, meditation is only beautiful way to find stillness and quiet the mind, but many people find this quite challenging. They find it difficult to get past the racing thoughts. What a lot of people don’t realise is that the food they eat plays a vital role in ability to reach that deep meditative state. Our nervous system and brain simply will not allow us to transcend our body when certain nutrients are not present.

Therefore, we should be in constant check of what we eat as it has direct effect on our body and our mind.

So, the best way of positive living is---- Eat good, keep the body and generations healthy. Be good, keep the mind and generations healthy. Do good, keep the society and generations healthy Recently, the ‘Blissful Meal,’ an outlet for best, pure, hygienic, healthy, nutritious, fresh, vegetarian and quality food was opened at Mansarovar Complex, opposite Habibganj Station in Bhopal. The food cooked by highly experienced chefs with the best quality material is being served here. I would suggest, please try it at least once and then continue and continue further!